Take care of you!

Looking after your mental health during lockdown and beyond!

Never has it been more important to pay attention to what is going on with our brains, with most of us not leaving the house except for essentials

There are several things that you can do during this time:

  1. Exercise - I heard that groan! It does not always have to be all about breathing heavily and sweating - make that time out of the house count for you! Do something that gives you pleasure

    Walking – take a different route than you would normally take, giving yourself time to notice things – colours, smells and sounds. Walk at home if the weather is rubbish. Around 18 minutes of walking on the spot watching your favourite programme gives you around a mile. If you fancy some company join many of those lovely people on YouTube and walk with them - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0v_9hnrk4k

    Running – If you are going to listen to music, make it cheerful, Again try a different route or a different time of day

    Exercise videos - weightlifting, jumping, skipping, play hopscotch in your bedroom – whatever takes your fancy, this really is all about you, nobody else, just you

  2. Self-care – pamper yourself: have that extra bath, add some bubbles, persuade someone in your family to give you a massage, take time out and read that book you love. Draw that picture you always fancied drawing, do that jigsaw: now is the time to do all those things we always fancied doing 

    Try some meditation, yoga: whatever takes your fancy, light those candles, breathe and relax

    Some great apps out there to help you along such as:  https://www.smilingmind.com.au/

  3. Diet – I am not talking counting calories (although if that is something you enjoy go for it) but remember you are what you eat. Your brain is much happier with healthy food rather than chocolate as sad as that may seem, although saying that it is important to remember a little bit of what you fancy does you good!

    Diet really can have a big impact on how we feel mentally – some great information here if you have the time to look:


    If cooking is your thing get those recipes going taste is after all a great way of bringing pleasure!

  4. Sleep - I know sometimes easier said then done, especially when there is so much going on in the world. I am sure most of us are aware how important those 8 hours are to us, especially when we wake up after 4 and spend the rest of the day feeling exhausted

    There are lots of great things out there to help, and no I don’t mean counting sheep although again I will emphasise anything that works for you is great!

    A really simple technique I love is the 4-7-8 breathing method:


  5. Be kind to yourself - Possibly the most important. None of us are perfect, imagine how dull life would be if we were. However, it really is important to be nice to yourself not just to others. If you don’t do something you said you would then arrange it for another time, if you try something and don’t succeed then well done you for trying it!

    This is your life, you live it how it suits you, do the things that make you happy as much as you can


    Right, well now I am off to practice what I preach! I am turning that microwave off and getting out those kitchen scales and cooking a curry from scratch. It might not be a good curry, it might not even be edible, Gordon Ramsay’s toes may curl but quite frankly I don’t care, I tried and it is mine!


The miracle of music!