The miracle of music!
Mental Health and Music
So how can music make any difference to my life? - stick with me I am going to do my best to tell you!
Well here we are still in unknown territory. Partial lockdown for some, others still shielding and many of us having returned to work in what can be only described as somewhat strange circumstances. Many workplaces have changed along with everything else with new rules to be followed and yet more strange things to get used to.
So how do we cope with all of this. Carrying on from my previous blog taking care of you, it is still just as important to take care of yourself both physically and mentally. It is not surprising with all of these changes and unknowns our mental health is taking quite hit every single day.
Music - another way to take care of you
There are are many ways music can impact our lives most of them costing very little - always an added bonus
Music can: - Help you relax
improve your mood
Help motivate you
Help your brain process information
So how do we actually use music to benefit us? Generally we can use different types of music depending on what it is we are doing or what we are hoping to gain from it.
To help us focus – yes listening to music can help! Now we are not talking ACDC or any other heavy rock music playing at full volume here but anything at a slightly lower tempo, ideally without complicated lyrics, is perfect. It helps your brain process information. (studies show slightly more upbeat music helps processing speeds and both upbeat and downbeat music helps with memory)
A way to express ourselves – next time you are struggling to get across how you are feeling, get writing a song – it’s not about how it sounds, or about who hears it, it is about how it makes you feel! Alternatively pick up that guitar (or a couple of spoons if no instruments handy!) and let those emotions loose. Go on give it a go you may surprise yourself.
Connecting with others – Why not share your playlists with your friends, take yourself out of your comfort zone, go and listen to some music you wouldn’t normally listen to – having others around us can stop us feeling so lonely or isolated (currently you might have to wait for this one! Alternatively, there are a lot of online events taking place with chat rooms available)
It can increase our creativity
Different types of music can help your brain be creative. so why not get those paints out, draw that picture, make that fancy cake, decorate that room how you want it or if nothing else is available see what you can create out of playdoh! one rule only - enjoy
Relaxing – no surprises here! Make sure you pick the right type of music though! Again, if you can try something a little different only a change is as good as a rest!
Use music to motivate you – Can’t be bothered to get off the sofa, got something you need to do, turn the music up nice and loud motivate the brain to get moving. Mind you it has been shown listening to loud music makes us drive faster so choose your time and place!
May help you sleep better – which can have a big impact on our day. Listening to music for a while before bed is the way to go here. Ideally a bit of classical or similar. (A recent study with one group listening to an audio book and the other classical music for 45 minutes before bed, the ones listening to music had significantly better sleep quality)
So something that often brings us great comfort and pleasure is actually able to help in so many other ways as well. Rumour has it, it can make us feel healthier as well, so get out those headphones, turn up the stereo and give yourself a boost whenever you need one. Remember - depending on how we are feeling sad music can make us feel even sadder so give that happier music a blast and see how your brain feels afterwards!